Folktandvården Hedemora

Vinstravägen 2, Hedemora

Hedemora, Dalarnas län

Post Address

Vinstravägen 2, 776 28 Hedemora

0225-49 65 80
E-Services Available

Please Visit for services, to book and cancel appointments.

Find Us

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri 07:20 - 18:40

Telephone Hours

Mon - Thu 06:00 - 18:40 TeleQ service
Fri 06:00 - 15:50

Make sure you're well prepared before visiting a healthcare provider.

Remember to bring the following (if needed):

Also, prepare for your visit by noting any questions or concerns. Avoid strong scents, as some patients and staff have allergies. Cancel or reschedule promptly if you can’t attend your appointment. If you have symptoms of a cold, flu, or stomach flu, stay home until you're symptom-free for a day. Please call for possible care options, especially if you really need in-person assistance.

Note:: All information is sourced from publicly available data. Please note that the information on this website may not always be completely up to date. Please keep in mind that opening hours may vary, especially during holidays.

Encountered any error or incorrect information?

Making sure that all information is accurute is our main priority. If you would encounter any information that is incorrect or any inconsistency, please let us know in the form below so it can be corrected. We greatly appreciate your attention to detail. Thank you!

